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Abiding by all the moral and ethical business norms, we have come up with a wide and commendable variety of ISO Certification Service, ISO Consulting Service, GMP Certification Services, NABH Certification Service, CE Marking Service, Quality Certification Services and much more.
IMSC services involve full turnkey assistance in the development and implementation of management systems that conform to the desired ISO, or API standards. IMSC provides expert guidance, a dedicated team, and years of knowledge to ensure our clients receive the desired certifications. And since certification is just the beginning of the journey towards excellence, our Proven Consulting Approach also ensures that the management system being put in place is suitable for your organization and can be sustained by your own team for years to come.
The ISO and API standards emphasize the importance of audits as a management tool for monitoring and verifying the effective implementation of an organizations’ management system, be it Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety, or Information Security management system. IMSC members can help your organization perform successful audits that can add value to your business activities while ensuring that you meet the requirements of the standards you subscribe to.
IMSC is the Authority in ISO and API management system standards and this is reflected in the top notch training we provide in our Public Training classes or on-site at our Client’s facilities. Our Instructors possess firsthand understanding of the ISO and API standards, enhanced by their roles as Consultants and Auditors; giving them a well-rounded perspective on management systems. This allows them to deliver training effectively to any type of audiences.
Many people say achieving certification is not the hard part, the hard part is maintaining certification! Luckily there is IMSC! For companies who got certified but do not have any resources to keep up with the management system, or for companies who had somebody in charge but that person is no longer available; IMSC can step in to help ensure the integrity of your management system is preserved.